Courses of the Swiss Association of Drystone Masons

SVTSM course classification

1. Workshops:

Aim: arouse interest in dry stone walling. Duration: 1 to 1.5 days (weekends) Content: Practical work on a building object, exchange about the craft Course confirmation: None Requirement profile: None.

2. Introductory courses:

Aim: Practical work. Experience for participants: what is dry stone walling. Duration: 2 to 3 days Content: Practical work on a building object, exchange about the craft. Course confirmation: Course confirmation. Requirements profile: None

3. Basic course:

Aim: Practical work, getting to know and understanding the basic principles of dry stone wall construction. Duration: min. 5 days. Content: Practical work on a building object, teaching of work safety, theoretical basics of the craft, tools and stone working. Course confirmation: Course confirmation. Requirements profile: Interest in getting to grips with the craft. Physical resilience. 

4. Advanced course:

Goal: Further development of basic dry stone wall knowledge in practice and theory. Duration: from 5 days Content: Practical work on a building object with increased requirements. Possible main topics: Stone working, ecology, rock science, occupational safety, etc. Course confirmation: Course confirmation. Requirements profile: Basic course, or practical experience, demonstrable knowledge of the basics of dry stone wall construction. Physical resilience.

Modular training in dry stone wall construction:

The aim of the modular training course in dry stone wall construction is to teach the craft of dry stone walling in the basic fields of activity. At the end of the training, participants should be able to build dry stone walls themselves, manage simple dry stone wall construction sites and assist in planning. The modular training course was developed by the Swiss Association of Dry Stone Masonry (SVTSM) and is accompanied by the Association romande des métiers du patrimoine Bâti (ARoMPB) and was financially supported by the Interreg project "Transmission des savoir-faire traditionnels du bâti". The registration procedure as well as the course infrastructure is carried out in cooperation with ser sanu future learning ag, Biel. The module grid gives an overview of the entire modular structure of the training and the conditions up to the examination. The modules listed below are those of level 1. The more advanced modules of level 2 are still being developed. Furthermore, the Swiss Association of Dry Stone Bricklayers and its partners, together with other professional associations and in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET), are in the clarification phase on the development of a federal diploma.



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